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Fellowship Weekend

Homecoming, Going Home

August 28-30, 2020

Union Springs Academy

CM Pavilion.jpg

Friday, August 28, 2020

     7:30 pm     Vespers program presented by the

                           Pathfinders of the New York Conference


Sabbath, August 29, 2020

     9:30 am     Dedication of the Pavilion

                          Speaker: Elias Zabala, Sr., Treasurer

                                           Atlantic Union Conference


  10:30 am     Divine Worship

                        Speaker: Ted Huskins, President

                                         Northern New England Conference


  12:00 pm     Lunch

                         Due to CDC recommendations there will be

                         NO POTLUCK. Please bring your own lunch

                         and lawn chairs.


    3:00 pm      Ministerial Ordination

                          Speaker: Elias Zabala, Sr., Treasurer

                                           Atlantic Union Conference


    7:00 pm      Vespers

                          Speakers: Miguel Crespo, President and

                                             Claudio Gomez, Exe. Secretary

                                             New York Conference



  • Bring your own lawn chairs for all meetings.

  • Due to CDC recommendations, there will be NO POTLUCK. Please bring your own food.

  • Cabins will not be open for the weekend.

  • Trailer/Tent Spaces will be available as follows:

             Trailer/Tent  "On the Hill" - $13/night

             Trailers "Off the Hill" - $24/night

                (includes air conditioning)

  • The Bath House will be open.

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