Faith Community Nursing
Faith Community Nursing is a specialized branch of nursing recognized by the American Nurses Association, which ministers to the Faith Community.
The goal is to help the individual members of the congregation plus the pastor to maintain good health – physically, emotionally, socially and especially spiritually so that the church family, as a congregation, is healthy.

Joan Payne
Jann Cady
Faith Community Nursing is about building relationships with the pastor, individuals and families in the congregation, getting to know their needs, and how best to minister to them.
The goal of the Faith Community Nurse Ministry leaders in the New York Conference is to see that every church in the conference has access to a Faith Community Nurse. Jann and Joan are willing to come to the churches in the NY Conference and do a presentation on Faith Community Nursing
To learn about the AAFCN (Adventist Association of Faith community Nursing ) please visit the website at